“Cyberpunk 2077 is Better Than You Think” by Marcus Blake | 2020 End of the Year Gaming Review

Cyberpunk 2077, is it really that bad? Of course not! With all the controversy surrounding the release of this game, all the bugs that had to be fixed on the release date and gamers complaining that the graphics didn’t live up to expectations, therefore, demanding refunds, which the PlayStation store has granted, it’s time to take a close look at this game and really decide if it’s that bad now let me first say that I am actually playing cyberpunk 2077 on the new Xbox Series X so I have not experienced all of the problems that some gamers are experiencing. But my first impression is that this is a game built for the new consoles. This is a game exactly designed for the new Xbox and the PlayStation 5. It was never meant to play on older generation consoles and live up to what this game can be. And I think the biggest mistake CD Projekt did was say that it could. If you are still playing games on a first-generation Xbox or PlayStation 4, definitely do not buy this game. You’re not ready for Cyberpunk 2077 yet. But this also leads to my biggest criticism, it’s a game that shouldn’t have been released this year. It should have been released middle of next year when more new consoles were available because of this is a game that’s truly meant to be played on the next generation of consoles, but it’s okay to release this game six months to a year after the new consoles have come out. However, that isn’t to say that this game is bad, not by any means.

I am a huge fan of open-world games. Games that you can put a hundred to two hundred hours in easily and while most of those games are generally medieval RPG games like the Elder Scrolls, we haven’t had a game quite like this before, it is a mixture of Grand Theft Auto, Mass Effect, and puts you in a world that makes you feel like you’re in Blade Runner. A dystopian type open world that makes me feel like I should be hunting down Blade Runners, yes please! But the great thing about this game is you are also not exactly a good guy, you are a criminal taking down scores while also helping those less fortunate fighting against some kind of evil Corporation Boogeyman. I honestly have to say that this is one of the best open-world RPG games I’ve ever played. And yes, I’m a huge fan of the Grand Theft Auto series or even the Watchdog series. But for the Sci-Fi geekin me, a video game that puts me into a dark and gritty dystopian future that harkens back to other great sci-fi films like Johnny Mnemonic or Strange Days. I’ll take that any day. Sure, there is a linear story, but there’s also plenty of side missions where you can help out fellow gangs or take down criminals or even help a desperate prostitute… the open-world of Night City ( the main map in Cyberpunk 2077) and its surrounding counterparts is just pure awesome. It is definitely a fantastic concept in the next generation of gaming, we’ve been waiting for.

Okay, here’s what I love about the game. The gameplay really isn’t too difficult and there’s plenty of stuff to do. There was a huge update that dropped when the game was released and that is what fixed a lot of the bugs that early reviewers were complaining about. The only thing that I can complain about regarding the game play as the aiming was off a little bit during the first few days I played and then another update fixed that. And the driving is not great, but a nice shoot-’em-up game with Heists, taking down general assholes, and with so many choices that will help determine your storyline, I’ve loved every minute of it since I’ve been in this game. I can’t say the story flows well and it’s hard to really know how big everything is yet because there’s always some small thing going on. Maybe it’s like Borderlands 3 where there really isn’t an ending, it just keeps you playing and you keep coming back for more. That’s okay because while I may not do an adventure in Night City every day, I love being able to go back and visit. The updates have made some significant improvements regarding bugs, but I also admit that playing on a next-generation console, I wasn’t going to experience some of the same problems another Gamers where the game keeps crashing so this allows me to fully enjoy the game. Sometimes the game feels like a grind because you want to do everything and really explore and then you keep coming back to the same places as you’re trying to level up and get better weapons, but I don’t think it’s really that big of a deal because there’s always something new to do

Okay here’s what I don’t really like about the game and I think makes it less than perfect. It’s great to keep going back to my apartment but it seems like a needless task when I have to keep putting on clothes and that’s not making the game more realistic, just one more thing that I have to remember to do. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone out on a mission and I’m not wearing pants. It’s just annoying. Now while I love the idea of Keanu Reeve being in a video game and this is a perfect video game project for him because it’s almost like you’ve dropped John Wick in the middle of Blade Runner world. Yes please, I’ll take that any day! After a while its kind of annoying as he’s a floating Spirit or kind of like your conscience it does get annoying. It doesn’t take long before you really just want to be his character shooting up the place like John Wick and I think that is a distraction from what you’re trying to do in the game. I don’t like the fact that you can’t get better sights on guns especially in a futuristic world. And I freely admit that maybe I’ve been spoiled by playing Tom Clancy open world games like Ghost Recon breakpoint or The Division 2 where you can constantly upgrade your weapon and took them out for easier gameplay… it’s true that you are going to get better weapons as you go along especially when you’re stealing them from criminals that you take down. But this is a futuristic world and I feel like I should have better weapons. I’m spoiled with a good scope I can take people out from a long distance so my advice to anybody who’s been playing these huge open world Tom Clancy games, you may get spoiled with how you can upgrade your weapons and you kind of just have to live with these crappy weapons an Cyberpunk 2077 at least in the beginning. The story is a little hard to follow and it doesn’t take you long to jump to Act 2 which is enormous it feels like it should be three or four acts in that part of the story, but again for an open world game where there’s plenty to do and always something that will keep you entertained, it may not be that big of a deal. But these complaints are really just me nitpicking at Cyberpunk 2077.

The truth is it is a really good game, but it is truly meant to be played on the Next Generation consoles so if you don’t have one of those yet. then there isn’t any reason to get the game and that limits the audience. It would have been nice to have the multiplayer ready to go on the release date, but I understand waiting for this huge multiplayer open-world when more people have access to this game that can truly meant multiplayer open-world when more people have access to this game and can play it on a next-generation console. If more people have that by next summer and this has a multiplayer, that could be the next huge squad-based game. The truth is cyberpunk 2077 is going to be criticized for not being very good on older generation consoles and I feel like that’s where a lot of the bad reviews are coming from. PC players aren’t going to complain that much because they’re always going to have better graphics cards and faster speed for games like this. But the best advice I can give, gamers yes don’t start playing this game until you have the right setup. Either a really good powerful gaming PC or a next-generation console because that’s where this game is truly meant to be played. I try not to judge a game too harshly by all of the bugs he may have when it first comes out, after all of you been playing games from Bethesda Studios for the last 20 years you know you’re going to get games with lots of bugs that are going to have to be fixed within the first couple of weeks of the release date. But CD Projekt should be praised for having a massive update to fix all of this on the release date and listening to beta testers and reviewers about the initial problems. Sounds like they got right on addressing the problem and had a release date fix which is a lot better than some studios. So if you’ve been waiting for a huge open-world sci-fi game that isn’t Destiny or Warframe, then this is it. There’s so much stuff happening in the game that there’s stuff for everybody and I feel like they’re just going to keep improving upon it. Is cyberpunk 2077 perfect, no, but games rarely are. But here at That Nerd Show our perspective is, it’s not as bad as some people think it is, you just need to be playing it on a next-generation console or really good gaming PC. Don’t even attempt to play this on an older generation console or you will be disappointed. There’s definitely some improvements that can be made and I think that will come in time as I keep adding more, but if you ask me it’s a good game, it’s an 8 in my book and I can’t wait to go back and party or shoot things up in this great futuristic world that I’ve only seen in movies. Now I get to play and if you’re like me then this game is definitely worth the money.


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