Underwater | Review by Violet Ravotti

“Underwater” is a tragic and apocalyptic underwater adventure with Kristen Stewart bringing in the gleaming beacon of leadership to the ocean floor. “Underwater” doesn’t hesitate to plunge you into waves of adrenaline as you witness the intensity of Stewart who manages to perform heroic, calculated reactions to very close calls.  This group of underwater sea survivors are the sole survivors trapped among the remains of a damaged oil rig after an earthquake damages their lab.

Struck with a burning desire to survive with=trong fight or flight reactional impulses, every member of the crew must be on their toes for each perilous turn as they strive to avoid the alien creatures in the murky depths. There’s not a much character build up at the start, but the plot thickens for a turn when they pull an ‘Alien’ rookie mistake by crossing a boundary with the sea creatures. “What’s the worst that could happen?”, you may think to yourself. But “You never bring the gnarly-looking thing back on the ship. Has no one in the movie seen ‘Alien’?” Norah’s performance is swift and intense, she is quick to alert her team to safety and her selflessness is quite admirable. There are many dramatic reactions and cringingly predictable moments scattered throughout the film where you can see a lot of moments that quickly foreshadow the imminent doom.

Quite a suspenseful setting where chaos is unleashed, and surroundings are crumbling at every turn. The environment is very static, constantly changing for them to adjust to every new challenge. It’s worth seeing in the theater if you’re seeking to immerse yourself in a thorough deep-sea adventure where you will be swimming in anticipation with moments that may make you jump out of your seat.

There is a driving force for survival as they race to find a safe zone before they run out of oxygen. If you’re looking to save a couple bucks, its best to wait for this film to be released. I give this film a 6.5 because it provided a nightmarish, catastrophic reality to project your fears onto, really bringing out the suspense. I started feeling very concerned for the characters as they precariously explored the murky ocean depths, the fear of the creatures encroaching at any moment leaves you worried for their livelihood. Everything is toppling out of their control, rendering them helpless, but with a lot of determination they manage to strive forward and do all they can to survive, that is within their power.

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