The Top 5 Multiplayer Games Played By Young Gamers in 2020 by Hayden Costa

Have you ever wondered what are the top multiplayer games for teenagers.  Well,  here at That Nerd Show,  we are going to tell you the latest multiplayer games that young gamers have been playing through 2020.  These are the top 5 Games that teenagers play…


Among us is a fun multiplayer game that was actually released in 2018. For only $5 on Steam and Nintendo Switch, and for free on mobile you get a surprisingly enjoyable game. Among us has 3 different maps (4 in 2021) each with different and fun mechanics. The premise of the game is that you have 4-10 people and among the players 1,2, or 3 of the players are imposters and have the ability to kill or sabotage the other players. The other players walk around the map trying to complete tasks to win the game. Each game is drastically different from the last since the imposters will always change and so can the tasks. Imposters being able to sabotage the parts of the ships really allows things to be shaken up, one of the things imposters can sabotage is lights, and it makes all the crewmates not be able to see anything leading to some great plays. In the middle of the map there is an emergency button and this is the best part of the multiplayer experience. This calls everyone to the discussion and makes you debate the facts and try to figure out who the imposter is. You need to use your brain and try to call out other people, there are tons of different ways to find the imposter out or just sometimes straight up guessing. At the end of the time limit the discussion will be over, and you can vote on who to kick hoping they are the imposter, and to win crewmates have to either kill all imposters or complete all tasks, and imposters have to kill everyone. There isn’t any downsides to playing among us except for the card swiping task.  It’s a very fun game to play with friends (and a great way to lose friend ships).



Minecraft is a classic game that captured everyone’s hearts over a decade ago. The game revolves around the crafting and allows you to mine and collect materials to create things. The items in the game are boundless allowing you to make the recipes and create all sorts of different scenarios. Multiplayer play is one of the best parts of being able to play Minecraft. First off you can go into the preset servers and play with other people online in different game modes my favorite being sky wars, you can also create a world to jump on with friends or a realm where anyone can be on at any time. The amount of possibilities are endless in the game where you can land in a number of funny scenarios with your friends whether its knocking them into lava, trapping them in a pit, both of you running away from mobs or killing each other for attacking the others dog. Mods are something else you can add to Minecraft and buy from the store! Adding new textures, items, and many more things. I would say the only downside to Minecraft is that with consoles only having bedrock and computers/laptops/and PCs having Java it can sometimes be hard to play with friends or wait with updates. With so many ways to play each time you jump on will be a new and exciting adventure and a good laugh with friends, the sky is the limit (literally you can only build 256 blocks high).



Fortnite was released in 2017 and has become one of the most popular games in the world. Epic games have become so famous spreading to merch and many platforms like twitch on YouTube. Fortnite is a third-person shooter game with a mechanic called building. This allows you to stop bullets and such from hitting you. This allows for some crazy strategies playing with friends. The gameplay with friends is really entertaining and voice chat makes it all that much better. The friendly appearance of the game makes it even easier to pick up for people. Dropping into a match for squads or doubles you are always in for a good time. Whether it’s for a good clip or a funny moment Fortnite is always fun. Friends are a great way to change things up and the fact the Fortnite is always getting consistent updates almost every month, balance changes, new skins and even new guns and game modes.  This makes it so that the game doesn’t ever get stale or feel too similar. Building with friends is always fun to do. The major downside of this game from a new player’s perspective is all the very “talented” people that try hard in the lobbies and each game you’ll play. Other than, Fortnite is always a blast.



Rocket League is an indie game that was developed all the way back in 2015, and the fact that now it is still as popular as it is a testament to the gameplay and formula that make Rocket League so much fun to play with others. The basic premise of the game is that there are monster trucks in a soccer arena and the goal is to get the ball…… into the goal! With it being on so many consoles and free on most makes it easy to pick up and play with anyone. The formula is so simple yet so intriguing, lobbies with friends can lead to some great experiences and clips. The cars a blast to control, and they feel great once you get used to controls, you can customize your car and make it look the way you want. Like most of the games on the list the fun comes from not just the gameplay, but what you can do with friends and how you interact. Since the game has been out so long there isn’t any downsides that I think affect the game. Other than having to pay for some skins which is fine because the game is free. Rocket League is an amazing game to play so just sit down and vibe with some friends.


A beloved game and series starting back in 1999 and creating this masterpiece in 2018 Mashiro Sakurai created Super Smash Bros ultimate an amazing game that is beloved by many. A party Game with over 70 characters there is almost nothing to dislike about the game. The main game mode is called Smash where you and up to EIGHT other friends can grab a controller and play and up to 4 online. The immense amount of rule sets and characters are so much fun to play and enjoy. You can play with lives, a time limit, HP and to mix things up to pick from the 100 plus stages to play on and add random items in. The game feels very smooth and runs at 60fps when the switch is docked. This is just a very limited view of the game seeing how many options you can use. Super Smash Bros ultimate also added spirits which you can create teams with to add buffs to your character. You can also play different game modes like Squad Strike where each of you different lives are different characters and another mode where rule sets can add handicaps or start you with items. The story mode is how you get spirits and a pretty good time with friends. The biggest downside of smash is the online mode. The netcode of the game isn’t very good at making games laggy and hard to play. Offline with a group of friends, Smash is one of the most enjoyable multiplayer games to play.



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