“The Lincoln Lawyer” Season 2 Review by Allison Costa

The Lincoln Lawyer continues to be one of the best action-packed and well written streaming shows out there.  Season 2 came in like a whirlwind.  Still reeling from the assasination of his former client, Mickey is almost immediately swept up into a new high profile murder case.  While still trying to resolve his lingering feelings for his ex-wife Maggie, Mickey finds himself seduced by a beautiful restaurant owner.  While this seems to be a good thing, within just a few days this same woman finds herself accused of murdering a real estate mogul with whom she has been having issues over selling her restaurant.  While Lisa, the restaurant owner, maintains her innocence and Mickey mainly believes her, the suspects and circumstances around the case thicken. Meanwhile in his personal life, things become even more complicated with Maggie, and his other ex-wife Lorna, who is also his legal assistant, as she has her own issues with her current fiance and his past.

One of the reasons why this series is wildly addictive is because it is fun, serious, witty and surprising all at the same time.  The high-pace lifestyle of a big time lawyer never seems to get a break.  To stay at the top in his field he must always be out-thinking and out-working the competition.  But there is also a very human element to the series as he has his own dysfunctional personal issues to work on as well.  All of the relationships in his life are complicated and messy but they are also real and intensely personal. It makes Mickey’s character highly relatable.  He is trying to juggle an intense career while also staying a good father and a good friend. He works very hard but he also cares about people and really wants to win. He has a complicated relationship with the police as wel as with the law in general.

The series is successful because the cases are compelling, there are tons of twists and turns that the audience doesn’t see coming, and it’s very well-written  The rag tag group that holds together his law office and his life are so quirky and interesting that we are able to embrace a deeper, more complex group of people and their grittiness makes them both likeable and more realistic.  And although Manual Garcia-Rulfo plays Mickey Haller much differently than Matthew McConaughey did, his interpretation of the character mixed with his ethnic background and upbringing truly make him the underdog that everyone wants to root for, no matter how flawed.  Excited to see where this series goes in the future.  How the relationships continue to unfold and grow, and what happens in Mickey’s love life as well as his legal practice.  It’s compelling stuff!

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