God of War has always been one of the best video game series ever created. From the rich story to great fighting mechanics and incredible graphics,  if you love video games and good stories then God of War is always at the top of your list. So when a new one came out this year bringing us a new story and the best graphics we have ever seen in a God of War game, of course, it was going to be a contender for Game of the Year. I don’t want to say that it was the obvious choice for game of the year, but giving us a Norse mythological story with the added character of his son….this has been one of the best video games to play in a long time. A truly great father and son video game that you can play together. Well, there are other games that can compete for  Game of the Year, this one is the winner for That Nerd Show…. One of only two games to ever receive a perfect 10 with our gaming staff. It is a clear winner and a must-have game if you own a PlayStation



The follow-up to Red Dead Redemption definitely lives up to the hype. It may not be a video game series for everyone. It can be slow at times during the story because the video game is just a cinematic as it is playable. But it is the closest that people the 21st century will ever get to the Old West and a good adventure story in the late 19th century. The ability to choose how your story goes and what character you’re playing makes the game great because not everybody plays this game exactly the same. A huge open world in the old west and great gun fights makes this one of the best games of 2018. And for a first-person shooter, it’s definitely more unique because we don’t have hardly any games from the old west. You may not be a game for everyone, but there’s no denying that it’s one of the best adventure games out there.




Some superhero games are good and some are just okay. But it’s been a long time since we had a good Spider-Man game so under the new Marvel umbrella they brought us one of the best. The gameplay was fantastic the fighting mechanics are the best I’ve ever been in a Spider-Man game and of course, we get to see all the familiar villains. Plus, it’s a big game that we’ve seen in the past, so it’s not a quick finish. The Spider-Man game is a great companion to any of the new Marvel Spider-Man movies. And let’s face it, it’s always a lot more fun to web-sling across New York City than drive your way through it from Street to Street as if you were in a Call of Duty Modern Warfare game. There was no surprise that this would end up in our top 10 list.



Far Cry 5 is easily the best of the series. It’s another highly rated game by That Nerd Show and unlike all the other Adventures within the Far Cry Series, this one is closer to home for us and the United States. This is a story that can truly happen, which I think makes this the best game of the series because of its storytelling. You’re not in the middle of a Civil War and some poor countries, but you’re dealing with a cult leader and Bible thumping Nazis right here in America. It’s a huge open world and having to five different family members to reclaim an area of Montana taking over by these cultists just made for fantastic gameplay. This could also easily be our shooter of the year because of its unique story. But for those who love a good open-world and a unique wrench story wrapped up in a first person shooter, Far Cry 5 is definitely for you, especially if the possibility of what can happen is a little too real. Plus the church music they play throughout the game against eerily creepy.




Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is where Skyrim and the Assassin’s Creed series meet. And it’s glorious. One of the things that Assassin’s Creed has always had going for him as being able to put us in different time periods so to be able to go back to ancient Rome is truly unique. But this is a huge game…. easley a hundred or more hours played just like an Elder Scrolls game. There isn’t one way to play this game and you have different options for your adventure. It’s a great mythological story… A true example of Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s path archetype. For those of us that love good hack and slash games, this one definitely delivers because being able to play with a Roman long spear or short sword as if you are Spartacus or one of the Spartan 300 makes this one of the best combat games out there. This is the best Assassin’s Creed game since Assassin’s Creed II. If there was ever a game that can truly compete for game of the year it is this one and if God of War had not come out this year and I believe this would have been our game of the year. Even if you’re not an Assassin’s Creed fan, but love playing the Elder Scrolls or Dragon’s Age and this is the perfect Assassin’s Creed game to introduce fans to the series. It’s hard to imagine how they would top this game within the Assassin’s Creed series.


Of course Super Smash Bros ultimate would be on our list. Like most legendary Nintendo games that are being remastered re-imagined for the Nintendo switch, this is at the top of our list of Nintendo games that Gamers should have…. It’s also the other game that’s ever received a perfect 10 from That Nerd Show. Everything you love about Super Smash Bros with updated graphics and an added bonus, a story mode. If you have the Nintendo switch, then you have to own this game… I mean, if you’re a true gamer then one cannot go without the other.





Shadow of the Tomb Raider was definitely one of the best games of the year. Ever since the series got rebooted 5 years ago with a new Trilogy, it’s been outstanding gameplay and incredible graphics. Plus the stories have definitely been a lot better than the movies. This was a perfect conclusion to the trilogy. Set in the Amazons against the backdrop of a hidden City this story is everything we love about Laura Croft and her adventures. And like all Tomb Raider Stories the landscape is just as important as the characters themselves. When playing this game it’s almost like you’re in a better version of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and this story can rival any of the Uncharted games. Plus, who doesn’t like an adventure game where you have to swim underwater and can literally be killed by piranhas if you don’t swim fast enough. Lara Croft has always been a badass, she’s just better at it in this game and definitely is worthy of being in our top 10 games of the year.



Call of Duty Black Ops 4 is a huge departure from the normal formula. It’s strictly an online game.  With gaming is going more and more to strictly online this was Call of Duty answer. It’s a catch-22 because for most of us, we do love a solo campaign, but this is also the best online multiplayer at Call of Duty has ever put out. It’s also the best zombie mode. While some fans, they only want a Call of Duty game for the solo campaign oh, this is the one Call of Duty game that you will keep going back to you time and time again. Honestly, Call of Duty fans will spend more time playing this game than they will any other. The shooting mechanics were far improved, which makes for some great gameplay. Easily one of our top 10 games of the year.



Monster Hunter world was one of those hidden gems of the year. Not only is it a great hack and slash game, but it has won the most intriguing online modes we’ve ever seen in video games.  It may not have been a game we played a whole lot this year since it was one of the first releases and ever so many great games that came after it, but oh it’s a fun one to keep going back to. And who doesn’t like hunting down exotic monsters?  A great game with quirky Companions and fantastic swordplay… Yes, it definitely deserves a spot in our top 10.





Detroit becoming human may not be your typical video game, but for those that love great storytelling and the kind of Storytelling where you get to make your own choices to determine the outcome of the game, this has been a Monumental video game. There are three different storylines that are definitely unique in their own right. You can be a villain or a good Android. This is great storytelling at its best. Well, Detroit Becoming Human is not hey first-person shooter or a strict adventure game, it is for the Storyteller in all of us. Just like a great sci-fi robot story where their quest to be human determines whether they will be good or bad based on how Society treats them, you get to play your own version of that Concept in this video game. Plus the graphics are incredible. Movie quality, in fact. It may not be a popular game, but it’s an incredible game and that’s why it rounds out our top 10 list.



We all know the FIFA will always be the highest selling sports game in the world, but it hasn’t been the best sports game in the world for a long time. Finally, after getting back the Champions League license, FIFA is the best sports game in the world again. There really wasn’t must change from last year’s version except for some tweaks to the mechanics in gameplay, but the “coup de gras” and this year’s version was the Champions League Edition. Being able to get to play Champions League with all of this presentation made this game worth buying. Plus, it wasn’t just one tournament mode, if you’re playing a certain team that’s in the Champions League within career mode, then you will get the same presentation as if you were playing the Champions League separate. As long as this addition is in FIFA and it will always be one of the best sports games in the world if not number one. I think we can honestly say that FIFA 19 is the best version of FIFA ever thanks to the Champions league mode.



STAFF PICKS (Our Top 10 Lists)

Marcus Blake – TOP 10 GAMES

  1. God of War 4
  2. Assassins Creed Odyssey
  3. Shadow of the Tomb Raider
  4. Far Cry 5
  5. Spider Man
  6. Super Smash Brothers’s Ultimate
  7. FIFA 19
  8. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
  9. Detroit Becoming Human
  10. Red Dead Redemption 2


Victoria Winfrey – TOP 10 GAMES

  1.   Far Cry 5
  2.   God of War 4
  3.   Super Smash Brothers’s Ultimate
  4.   Metal Gear Survive
  5. Spider Man
  6.   Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
  7.   Assassins Creed Odyssey
  8.   Shadow of the Tomb Raider
  9.  FIFA 19
  10. Red Dead Redemption 2


John Winfrey  – TOP 10 GAMES

  1.  God of War 4
  2.  Super Smash Brothers’s Ultimate
  3.   Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
  4.   Red Dead Redemption 2
  5.   Far Cry 5
  6. Forza Horizon 4
  7.   Assassins Creed Odyssey
  8.   Spider Man
  9. Shadow of the Tomb Raider
  10. Dragon Ball FighterZ


Alex Moore  – TOP 10 GAMES

  1. Detroit Become Human
  2. God of War
  3. Red Dead Redemption
  4. Yakuza 6
  5. Spider-Man
  6. Shadow of the Tomb Raider
  7. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
  8. Fallout 76
  9. Monster World Hunter
  10. MegaMan 11

 Scott Cooper – – TOP 10 GAMES

  1. Assassins Creed Odyessey- game of the year
  2. God of War – best storyteller of the year
  3. RDR2 – Best Shooter of the year
  4. Far Cry 5
  5. Monster Hunter World
  6. Destiny: Forsaken
  7. Shadows of the Tomb Raider
  8. Call of Duty; Black Ops 4
  9. Fallout 76
  10. Just cause 4


Alex Thomas  – TOP 10 GAMES

  1. God of War
  2. Super Smash Brothers
  3. Red Dead Redemption 2
  4. Spider-Man
  5. The Messenger
  6. Farcry 5
  7. Celeste
  8. Monster Hunter: World
  9. Shadow of the Tomb Raider
  10. Lumines Remastered

Brendan Smith – – TOP 10 GAMES

  1. God of War
  2. Marvel’s Spider-Man
  3. Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
  4. Red Dead Redemption 2
  5. Octopath Traveler
  6. Sea of Thieves
  7. Monster Hunter: World
  8. Destiny 2: Forsaken
  9. Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey
  10. Dragon Quest 11: Echoes of an Elusive Age



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