Supergirl Season 3 Review By Allison Costa

Supergirl’s Season 3 finally came to a close, much later than her other supehero counterparts.  There were times when I felt the season went on a bit too long, but in the hopes of Kara and Mon-El once again being reunited, I kept watching.  Let’s re-cap. This has been an interesting season for Supergirl.  She continues to grow and evolve as a superhero and this season began by her nursing her heartache over losing Mon-El, only to discover him on a deeply buried spaceship that was from the future.  A future where the 7 months he has been gone in Kara’s time, have been 7 years for him.  Mon-El enters Kara’s life again, but this time as part of “The Legion” and what’s more–a married man.  Kara goes through many emotions as she processes his return and the difference in their friendship, but doesn’t have tons of time to dwell as a new threat has come to the earth.

This season introduced new characters in Sam and Ruby.  An adorable single mom who is super close with her plucky daughter.  But Sam has a secret.  A secret that not even she knows about.  She is really Reign–a Worldkiller.  A supervillain created by a dark society on Krypton many years ago, who has been waiting in slumber to be awoken.  Sam’s frequent black outs and memories of losing time have her concerned and she goes to her friend Lena Luthor for help.  Lena is able to connect the dots and realize that unbelievably Sam has alien DNA and she is Reign.  But she doesn’t tell anyone about her discovery, in the hopes that she can help Sam alone.

Meanwhile,  J’onn also has a shock this season as he learns that his father–whom he thought was killed many years ago–is actually alive and being held prisoner.  He is over-joyed and brings his dad back to earth for a happy reunion.  The father and son get an apartment together and their happiness seems wonderful.  Until we realize that J’onns father, Myron is actually suffering from something similar to humans with alzheimers.  His memory is going and he is dying.  After so many years apart, finding his father only to lose him again is very painful for J’onn.  At the same time our other supporting characters are each going through their own moral crisis.  Winn’s psychopath father dies, bringing his mother back into his life for the first time since his childhood when he thought that she abandoned him.  Alex discovers that although she is no longer getting married, she still desperately wants to be a mother and starts to look into adoption.  And Mon-El finally admits to himself and Imran, his wife, that he still has feelings for Kara.  He stays behind to protect her and fight with her and hopefully work through his feelings.  Kara needs Mon-El at this time, especially as another big shock is dropped upon Kara–part of Krypton is still alive!  And so is her mother!!  Kara goes back for a while to be with her mom and live a normal life and Mon-El goes with her.  Although Kara is trying to assimilate to her new world, things still feel off for her ad she senses danger.  For a moment she and Mon-El have a reconnecting scene in a garden where they both finally confess their feelings, but seconds later the society tries to kill them and the moment is gone.

The secret society that created the world-killers has gone back to Earth and its up to Kara and Mon-El to warn everyone.  Previously Kara and the team at DEO along with Lena’s help had separated Sam from Reign–or so they thought.  But then they learn that only one of them can live.  In their race to stop Reign and her creators, they are also racing to save Sam’s life.

As you can see, it has been a very BIG season for Supergirl.  We had not one, but two parents basically return from the dead, one parent return from oblivion and Mon-El return.  We also saw the creation of probably the hardest villain Supergirl has ever faced–one that had all of her strengths but not her weaknesses.   There has been a lot going on this season!!

But the long-awaited Season Finale still had some twists and turns that were unexpected!  Of course Supergirl finds a way to defeat Reign without killing her–this is expected.  Its what came after that had fans talking.  After finally admitting their feelings, we would think that Mon-El and Kara could be together but wrong again!  Brainiac returns with Imran to let Mon-El know that the future is not safe for A.I.’s but that it needs leaders like Mon-El.  Then he goes on to say that the future needs Winn as well!!  They need Winn to defeat the A.I that is threatening all other A.I’s existence.  So Mon-El AND Winn are literally going back to the future!  The long- awaited for kiss between Mon-El and Kara never ever happens!  Truly disappointed in this.  Also J’onns father gives his live to protect the world from Reign and after so much trauma J’onn makes the big decision to step down as director of the DEO and instead appoints Alex in his stead.

So three of our main characters–J’onn, Mon-El and Winn are leaving us and then in the final moments we see another Kara in Siberia!  2 Karas!  For comic book fans, many will recognize this story plot being similar to one that has been explored by the “what-if” had Superman landed in Russia instead.

We don’t know what the show will look like going into Season 4.  What new characters will be added, what Lena’s secret tests are for, or if Sam & Ruby will stay part of the cast.  I will predict that Mon-El, Winn and J’onn are definitely not gone forever, but as to their future at this point its anyones guess!

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Allison Costa

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