Origin: So Great It Will Invade Your Brain! A review by Ashley Horne

If you are questioning whether or not to get a premium Youtube account, “Origin” can decide that for you. It was a fantastic, realistic look into what the future could be like. It starts off similar to the movie “Passengers” where it is clear that everyone on the spaceship was not supposed to wake up until their destination. It quickly changed its pace from that movie and throws you a ton of curveballs, with blood, aliens, backstories, and more.  


The change of pace I’m referring to is everyone else on the ship, minus two crew members, have all evacuated. Only one pod of people awake. In each episode we also learn more and more about why these people from all over Earth have chosen to completely uproot their lives, to move to another planet, in promises of a clean slate. This planet is named Thea and we don’t know much about it or Siren, the company taking them there. We learn small tidbits about them further in the season that tells us much of what we should know.  *SPOILER ALERT* Very early on they all happen upon unfortunate and deadly issues, one of which includes body-snatching aliens! This whole season is about them trying to figure out how to handle that issue, along with dealing with their pasts that they wanted to leave behind.  


There are so many great parts of “Origin”, but my favorite would have to go to the flashbacks. This technique inherently makes the viewer feel more connected to the characters and to their hidden secrets. I felt like I knew more than the characters, and I love knowing more than others! Seriously though, every characters’ backstory was well written, suited the current situations, and were entertaining. I normally don’t say my second favorite part, but the runner-up is the stuff I didn’t know. I also love not being able to predict what happens and that happened in almost every episode of “Origin”. I don’t believe there are many people who could say that they had a different opinion on that fact. It was such a twist-filled show and I loved it. 



There were so many twists and turns that, unfortunately, I thought the writers went overboard with the drama at times. This was the most unappealing part of the show for me. “Origin” had great cinematography, directing, acting, graphics, and everything else was pretty much perfect. The writers were just too theatrical with their jobs. It felt a little soap opera-y at times because of this, but I also understand the issue of needing to fill 10 episodes with as much as possible.  


My favorite episode was a tie between episode 10, “I Am” and episode 2, “Lost on Both Sides”. In the last episode, it is so action-packed and filled with so much information about things including who is infected and the planet they are headed to, so it is easily enjoyed. It was hands down the most entertaining episode but that is to be expected for the last one. “Lost on Both Sides” was also great because it contained Lana’s backstory. She is played by Natalia Tena (Osha from “Game of Thrones”, Nymphadora Tonks from “Harry Potter”) and she does a fabulous job playing an emotion-filled role and a traumatized woman.  


If I were you, I would run to watch this show as soon as you can. I think anyone who loves drama, aliens, and secrets, then “Origin” is your type of show. It is such an easy show to binge and almost every comment is “I should be sleeping, but I just can’t stop watching.” I give “Origin” a 9 out of 10!

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Ashley Horne

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