Jesse Eisenberg Should Resign from the Lex Luthor Role by Marcus Blake

Casting is what makes or breaks a movie. The same goes for any kind of performance art. It’s a simple and profound truth! You can have a great story and have the wrong cast therefore ruining your movie. But, the right cast never ruins a movie especially when the story is not that good because at the end of the day, you can still enjoy the performance of the actor when they are perfectly cast for a role. Kevin Spacy in Superman Returns is a good example. And, this is why it hurts when one of your favorite characters is so horrible miscast.

batman-v-supermanTo say that I am a big DC Comics fan is an understatement. I like DC more than Marvel. Superman and Batman are my favorite characters from the DC universe so when we finally got a Batman vs. Superman movie, I was very excited…couldn’t wait for the movie! And, I didn’t even mind that Ben Affleck was cast as Bruce Wayne / Batman. Playing an older Bruce Wayne unlike Christian Bale, I figured he would be okay in the role, but there one casting choice that just pissed me off and unfortunately, rightly so. Jesse Eisenberg being cast as Lex Luthor was a big mistake and in my opinion, single-handedly, ruined Batman vs. Superman. I am not saying that he is a bad actor, just miscast in this iconic role.

Now, I could give you a list of reasons on why he was bad in the role, but I prefer to do it in this resignation letter. Yes, that’s right, as a nerd and DC Comics fan, I am asking for Jesse Eisenberg’s resignation from the role of Lex Luthor and the reasons are in the letter. You may disagree with me, but I am not wrong and here’s why…

Dear Jesse Eisenberg

We at That Nerd Show would like to formally ask for your resignation as Lex Luthor in the upcoming DC Comics Movies. Quite frankly, your acting was terrible and we don’t think you have any clue on how to play Lex Luthor. It seemed as if you were trying to play the Joker or Riddler from the Batman universe. It Appears that you have never read any superman comics or have seen how your predecessors portrayed Lex Luthor. All of them were better than you and it’s an insult that you did not watch and learn something from them. In fact, we feel that you should never be in any nerd movie ever again. As fans of superhero, science fiction, fantasy, and action movies, you would probably ruin those kinds of movies as you did Batman vs. Superman. This is not to say that you are a terrible actor.

You were quite good in the Social Network. But, that movie also had strong script and great dialogue from Aaron Sorkin, which did help you. And, we freely admit that great actors can be hampered by poor scripts…Kevin Spacy as Lex Luthor in Superman Returns being the prime example. However, this was not the case for you in Batman vs Superman…you were god awful and have no idea on how Lex Luthor should be played. Now, we will not put all the blame on you…somebody was dumb enough to cast you as Lex Luthor.

Zack Snyder gets partial blame because we could have had a great actor like Bryan Cranston playing Superman’s arch nemesis. Wow, that would have made the movie a whole lot better. But, if somebody has to take the fall for a subpar movie then it should be you and you should do the honorable thing, fall on your sword and just resign from the role. Not to add injury to insult, but we’re going to do it anyway, you are easy to replace and it would be for the good of the Justice League Movies. So Jesse, please, do the right thing, just resign. We as fans know what we want from these kinds of movies and its not you. I wonder, if we can still get Bryan Cranston! That would be AWESOME!

So pretty please, with sugar and a cherry on top, just resign for the good of the fans and the DC Universe. After all, you wouldn’t want us to boycott your non-nerd movies…there’s a lot of us now and it can happen. Just throwing that out there! We do have a solution for you…there is never a shortage of Nicolas Sparks romantic movies that you can be in. You still get to act  and we won’t boycott those movies because of you, thus causing controversy…we are not going to see those movies anyway. It’s a win, win for all of us!

Admit it, you agree with me!

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Marcus Blake

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