How We Rate the Marvel Comic Book Movies: From Best to Worst by Marcus Blake & Daniel Granat


This list was by Marcus Blake and Daniel Granat, a side by side comparison of the Marvel Comic Movies.  From That Nerd show, here is our list of Marvel Movies from Best to Worst.  take a look at our comparison!.

Daniel Granite

Before I begin this article, I would like to start by saying that NOT every Marvel film is great, or even good. Yet, the majority of them are “marvel”ous.  To start off, I personally don’t consider any of the Sony, Universal Studios or even 20th Century Fox’s Marvel films- a Marvel film. I’m not saying they are not all good, they just don’t rank up to the more continuous MCU films. Now, from best to worst!


  1. Guardians of the Galaxy

James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy is probably the best movie I have ever seen and my favorite movie to date. Everything in the film was the definition of perfection. Marvel showed its true ability to create and share a story with just the trust of the audience. They literally made a movie with a gun-toting raccoon and a talking tree a masterpiece. From set pieces to jokes, it had everything a superhero film needs. Also, not to mention the best soundtrack every created. The key to any super hero film is to not be so serious, yet have a straight face at the same time. Marvel has cracked that code and knows how to utilize it properly.  I can guarantee you that no one in the movie theatre knew about the Guardians of the Galaxy before walking in, and if they did, the majority were probably lying. Star-Lord’s  comedy,  Rocket’s and Groot’s Han Solo & Chewbacca  relationship and even Drax who takes things literally….all this and more is what every Marvel film needs to be :Fun/Laughable/Meaningful.

  1. Captain America: The Winter Solider

This movie is probably one of the biggest shocks I felt from a Marvel film. Not being a huge fan of the first one, I expected this one to be a tad better…I was wrong, it was a 1000x better. As I stated previously, Captain America didn’t have me excited until the very end when he finally lost everything and had to become a badass. It proves that the Captain America in Avenger’s and Winter Solider is far more meaningful and effective in a film then a hero who has everything.

  1. Iron Man

Ah yes, the film that started it all, one man named Robert Downey Jr. brought Tony Stark to life and gave all nerds hope that a super hero film could be done perfect again. I saw this when I was in middle school and didn’t even know who Iron Man was…I felt so ashamed. Who knew that a suave, cool,  rich guy could be an amazing scientist and look cool while doing it. Not only was this film amazing, it single handedly created all the MCU by itself. Bravo John Favaro, bravo indeed.

  1. Avengers

Truthfully, this film should be number 2 on the list, but it had to go down for a few reasons. I love this film, the script, the story, the first appearance of The Hulk since Norton, everything! Yet, the one thing that pushed this film down to 4 was the fact that Marvel continued to make more amazing films that I had no choice but make it four. I don’t see anything wrong with this film, no matter how many times I watch it or hear “The Avengers” theme by Alan Silvestri as  they gear up in a huddle getting ready to start their first fight as a team…its pure gold!

  1. Avengers: Age of Ultron

It’s action packed, full of laughs, fun story and of course, the Hulkbuster. Normally, for a sequel its extremely hard to rank up to the level that the first one was at. The movie defiantly had its moments, but the story was beginning to feel a little Spider-Man 3-y to me. Personally, the final fight in the cathedral was ok, the slow motion of the team working together didn’t make me anymore excited then I was with the first 2 hours of the film. In some ways I felt that the film was rushed but found a way to perfect it as quickly as possible. Granted, there were some obvious scenes that were pushed into the film for upcoming films (i.e.- Black Panther, Infinity Wars and Captain America 3) but they did it in a way that was “acceptable” for Marvel, not as clever as they usually are.

  1. Ant-Man

Super fun film, loved Paul Rudd and the entire cast! The only reason it didn’t get any higher on my list is because of two things, the villain and the final fight. Honestly, The Yellow Jacket was too 2 dimensional and the final fight felt nothing near the same impact as the battle in Manhattan on Avengers or Iron Man 3’s “house-party”, but I definitely think it fit the film by fighting in a little girl’s room.

  1. Iron Man 3

Iron Man 3 was like being drunk at a bar and going home with a girl you thought looked hotter than she actually was. Overall, Iron Man 3 was a fun film:  polished script, fun cast, great story…but a huge kick in the balls. All of the trailers got me excited! The Mandarin to Iron Man is the Joker to the Bat-Man, except The Mandarin turned out to not be the Mandarin! Going back to my original statement, it’s like meeting the perfect girl at the bar and after your sober…you were tricked.

  1. Captain America: The First Avenger

Ok, calm down! You’re probably freaking out and saying “This guys an idiot, he has no idea what a good movie is!” Well, compared to the others, I do. Cap’s first film was “ok” not great. For the first quarter or so of the film he just bitched and complained the whole time, and even when he became Captain America, he still was a bit of a bitch. Only until the end, when he is living in the present, and has lost everything dear to him, do I begin to enjoy the movie- because he has lost everything and chooses to stay a hero.

  1. Thor

Thor by himself is boring, as an Avenger he is badass. In a way, he is more of a sidekick then a main hero. If I had to choose between watching Thor or Spider-Man 3…it would be the latter. Thor was great, as was Loki, but the film was just too compact with a bunch of small things and the movie was just dragged.

  1. The Incredible Hulk

Ok, this one is a little hard for me… I love the Hulk, but there was something about this movie I couldn’t really pin down. I loved Edward Norton and Tim Roth, I loved the final fight, and definitely the story- so what could it be? I realized after watching it again, that this just doesn’t feel like it fits into the collection of MCU. It felt more like a sequel to HULK then it did as a fresh start. Honestly, although Norton did a great job, I feel that if Mark Ruffalo were to do it, it would fit right in.

  1. Iron Man 2

This movie is like a parent’s first child; it was created on purpose, but was a huge mistake. The movie was (or felt) too long, nowhere near as amazing as its predecessor and just a tad bit boring. It’s the type of movie that when you see it, or any other boring Marvel film, you say “It just like Iron Man 2, they made it because they needed to prepare for what’s to come.

  1. Thor: The Dark World

This was the biggest piece of crap that Marvel has and ever will crap out. I don’t know where to begin with this. Thor and Loki are defiantly awesome (i.e. – Thor). But this was just complete garbage. I am a huge Marvel fan (hell, I have ever poster of each film in my room) but this was just the worst. Yes, it was a cool concept. Yeah, the special effects were great. I have tried to watch this film about 4-5 times and I either play on my phone or fall asleep: whichever can come first. I just don’t know what Marvel was thinking…


Marcus Blake 


  1. The Avengers

Simply Put, the first time the Avengers assemble and come together as a team is fantastic with more than a dash of greatness because Joss Wheedon directed the film.  No comic book movie has ever matched how great this movie truly is from beginning to end…not even The Dark Knight, although for a DC movie it comes close.

  1. Guardians of the Galaxy

I admit this film completely surprised me, I never thought it was going to be good and then I couldn’t get enough of it.  Perfectly cast, great action, and an awesome soundtrack.  It will never be as good at the The Avengers Movie, but being in second place is like winning an Oscar. 

  1. X-Men

Patrick Stewart and Ian Mckellan – I shouldn’t have to say more in defining a great movie, but I will Hugh Jackman as Wolverine made this film even better.  The first attempt at a live action X-Men was a huge success and still stand up to other Marvel movies fifteen years later.

  1. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

I was so turned off by Chris Evans playing Johnny Storm in the Fantastic four movies that I didn’t think he could be Captain American, but, again, I was wrong. This movie was great and Chris Evans seemed like he was born to be Steve Rodgers and the sequel was nonstop action and fun.  Even having Robert Redford in it playing a bad guy was pretty cool. This sequel was so much better than the first movie and a great way to introduce the beginning of the Civil War

  1. Iron Man

I didn’t really think Robert Downey Jr. could pull off Tony Stark and be a superhero, I mean, I knew he was a good actor…he played Chaplin Flawlessly, but being Tony Stark was a masterpiece too.  And they made Ironman look cool and the action sequences were awesome.

  1. X-Men: Days of Future Past

An X-Men movie connecting two generations of X-Men, what can be better!  When you put Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellan, James Macvoy, and Michael Fassbender in the same movie with Wolverine you know you are getting a good movie. Plus Brian Singer a way to fix X-Men: Last Stand and make us forget that it ever happened.

  1. Thor: The Dark World

This was another time that the sequel was better than the first movie.  The first Thor movie was a great to introduce the character and future avenger, but the second movie was just plain better and never really had a dull moment. Loki is just fantastic in this movie

  1. Captain America: The First Avenger

A World War 2 origin story, of course it’s going to be good.  And then add Tommy Lee Jones and Hugo Weaving what a great move.  It wasn’t boring except for the overplay of the big song and dance where Captain America is selling War Bonds…that’s over 5 minutes of my life that I will not back, but thank god, I can fast forward through that part.

  1. X-Men 2

A brilliant sequel! It’s another X-Men movie with the same cast. While not as good as the first, still a great story, great acting, and as I said before, it’s an X-Men movie.  There is only one thing wrong with it…one of the major character dies…sort of


  1. Thor

Thor is not a Pussy and Chris Hemsworth went all out to make a good Thor Movie and Loki was a great antagonist.  This movie was perfect in setting up the first Avengers movie. But like Captain America, the origin movie is not as good as the sequel, but this is still a fun film.

  1. X-Men First Class

An origin film that gave us how the X-Men first came to be…yes please!  I love seeing a young Professor X and Magneto.  This was a great way to introduce see how it all began and pretty darn for a Prequel.

  1. Avengers 2: The Age Ultron

Not a great movie, but definitely a good one. While any movie with the Avengers is good, James Spade as Ultron made this movie good.  And this movie was a great way to set up the Civil War and the Infinity Wars

  1. The Incredible Hulk

Two Hulk movies were made in the last fifteen years…this was the good one and they didn’t waste time with the origin story…that was all done in flashbacks.  Edward Norton was great a Bruce Banner. We had a fun Hulk movie with a good cast, you can’t ask for anything more.

  1. The Punisher

A Great Movie, except for one thing…John Travolta sucked as the villain. Thomas Jane was fantastic as The Punisher and this set up his origins story perfectly…too bad we never got any more good movies with Thomas Jane, but there is a really funny short film with him as the Punisher on Laundry day that is worth checking out.

  1. The Amazing Spiderman

We’ve had too many spider man movies in the last fifteen years, but if you’re going to reboot the franchise and tell the origin story again then this movie was not bad.  I actually like Andre Garfield better as Peter Parker and glad they had Gwen Stacy instead of Mary Jane.

  1. Ant Man

I have never been an Ant Man fan, but was surprised about this film.  It was fun and Paul Rudd actually did a good job.  It’s in the middle of my list because it’s just an okay movie and there are plenty of other great Marvel Movies. I’m sure Ant Man will be a lot more fun with the other Avengers, but I guess you have to have an origin movie and I would definitely watch it again.

  1. The Wolverine

Just about any movie with Wolverine is going to be good.  Seeing Logan facing the chance to be Mortal and then finally accepting the burden of immortality made for a great movie. And this made up for the wolverine that was actually terrible.

  1. Blade

This was the move that started the modern Marvel Comic Movies and if it hadn’t been a success then would we have had all these other great movies and even the average ones…We are in the golden age of comic book movies and Blade deserves out thanks.  Also, it was a fun movie and one of Wesley Snipes best films. 

  1. Iron Man 2

Not a great film, but we got another Iron Man film and that’s never a bad thing. 


  1. Spiderman 2

Out of the Toby Maguire Spiderman Films, this was the best one and that was because of Alfred Molina as Doc Ock. Looking back these Spiderman films are not great, but still kind of fun and Tobey Maguire wasn’t a bad Peter Parker.

  1. The Amazing Spiderman 2

This wasn’t a great film, but an okay one.  There was too much going in the film and too many villains. However, Gwen Stacy had a great death scene and the tragedy of her death  made the film better. Plus Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone had better chemistry than Tobey Maguire and Kirstin Dundst.

  1. Spiderman

Looking back at this movie…it looks like a video game.  Just not as good compared to the Amazing Spiderman movie….just my opinion.

  1. Iron Man 3

More Iron Man is never a bad thing, but this was a good one time movie and just made us look forward to Avengers 2 even more.

  1. Blade 3

I actually liked this one better than 2 because of Ryan Reynolds…go figure!

  1. The Fantastic 4 Movie

Hollywood has never been able to make a good Fantastic 4 movie…out of the 3 we have, this was the best.  After seeing the recent reboot of Fantastic 4, I actually like this film now and have a whole new respect for the cast. 

  1. Hulk

I didn’t hate the cast except Nick Nolte who served no purpose in the movie. Also split screens were annoying.  I have watched this twice and feel like I am good for the rest of my life…might have something to do with screwing up the origin Story

  1. X-Men: Last Stand

Normally an X-Men movie is a good thing, but killing off Professor X and making Jean Grey go crazy doesn’t make a good film.  Kelsey Grammer as Beast was good casting though.  Other than that, it’s a piece a shit movie

  1. Wolverine Origins

Only two things were good in this movie…Hugh Jackman and Liev Schriber…that’s it.

  1. The Fantastic 4: The riser of the Silver Surfer

Not a good movie and totally screwed up the Silver Surfer…shame on you who ever had the final say in this movie. But still better than the reboot of the Fantastic 4

  1. Blade 2

More Blade is not a bad thing. Wesley Snipe was good, but a forgettable film…a good one timer like Iron Man 3


  1. Daredevil

Thank God for the series on Netflix to make us forget this piece of shit movie.  And I know that Ben Affleck will be okay as Batman because he can’t be any worse than he was in Daredevil…everything is pretty much bad in the film

  1. Elektra

A Spinoff that never should have happened and a movie that is pretty forgettable…that alone makes it a bad film

  1. Spiderman 3

Topher Grace as Venom…seriously…that’s ad bad as Channing Tatum as Gambit because we already know he will be bad. Spiderman 3 was just plain terrible, enough said.

  1. Punisher War Zone

I still can’t figure out why this movie was even made. If Thomas Jane wasn’t the Punisher then why make it in the first place. I almost think this movie was made specifically for Mystery Science Theater 3000 because its better just to make fun of it.

  1. Fantastic 4 Movie (REBOOT)

It’s a piece of trash despite having a good cast. Whoever put this out belongs in the Special Hell from Firefly. It’s the first time we have given a Superhero movie a 5 out of 10 and that was being generous. Something has to be on the bottom of the list and this garbage made it and that’s saying something because Punisher: War Zone was really, really bad!

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