Coming to America 2 | Review by Julie Jones

I still remember the first time I saw Coming to America. I didn’t understand all the jokes, but the ones I got were hilarious. Being a kid and not having a huge social life books and movies were my key to the world. So, when I saw this movie and how much people loved it because it was funny, I realized that humor is the key to people. But, having sharp intellect was like the grindstone for the knife. It really helped me understand people better, which isn’t saying a lot really.

Coming 2 America is about King Hakeem finding his son. He never knew he had one, but at the last minute his crown is threatened and that hidden morsel reveals itself. Of course, the subplot to the story is that his elder daughter would like to rule one day, but women still can’t rule Zamunda, which ads equality and women’s issues to the story.  There isn’t a lot more to the plot, but there really doesn’t have to be.  You get to see a lot of the same actors and characters from the original films and some bonus 90’s acts, which is great.  The 90’s acts were funny.  They may have been unnecessary for the plot, but were funny anyway.  Also, Wesley Snipes plays a really funny African Warlord

Don’t bother looking for acting, cinematography, manipulation through color or sound…none of those things are relevant here. I’m not saying they are lacking, I’m saying they knew this wasn’t that kind of film. The question here is how the comedy and the storyline played out.  The comedy is fine.  It’s Not great. but could have been worse.  But, it’s just not what you got with the original.  Its as if they were trying to rehash a lot of the same jokes.  If you came in expecting it to suck, you came out happy with what you got. But, if you expected something like the original…sorry, bud…it’s just not the same.  However, Eddie Murphey still reminds us that he’s funny and no matter what, we’re going to enjoy him in a comedy.  That alone is why you should see Coming to America 2.

The storyline isn’t great.  Did it suck? No. But, it felt very contrived and patched together, not unlike when John Landis was directing Eddie Murphey in a film like the original Coming to America.  Landis did not direct this one.    The disconnect is one that is obvious and makes it almost awkward in between laughs.  Overall, it was ok. I give it a seven. I had hoped it would be funnier than it was and I thought I was being somewhat reasonable with my expectations. There are funny moments and some good music and dancing. It’s not a total loss. But, if you are going to watch it I recommend a bottle of wine. A bottle of scotch, if you want to cover your bases. And don’t expect this to be anywhere as good as the original film,  sequels seldom are.  But Coming to America 2 is not a bad film to watch on Amazon Prime.


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