Cloak & Dagger Series Premiere Review By Allison Costa

As one of the latest super hero series to hit television recently, Cloak and Dagger made its premiere this summer season.  The 2 hour season premiere was unlike any of the super hero series premieres we have seen so far. Being somewhat unfamiliar with the Cloak and Dagger series, I was unsure what to expect.  But the beginning of this series was quite unlike anything we have seen.  Slower and more mysterious than most, planting more questions than answers. It has taken 4 episodes into this series before the main characters are even able identify their abilities or know what to do with them.  So far this series has a story telling element to the main characters and their backgrounds and identities, that creates a more in-depth feeling and realism to the entire series.  We become attached to these main characters more as human beings and individuals first, and to grow with them as they embrace their abilities.  They are both incredibly flawed and raw given their past traumas  Much more of a Daredevil type hero than Supergirl.  We get to see their struggles from the time they are little children into adolescence and the traumatic incidents that have shaped their lives and given them their powers.  Even though we don’t yet know how or why they were given these powers.

Piece by piece, the mysteries of their lives and their pasts start to come together.  Born into two different worlds, each has experienced their own tragedy and loss that changed the trajectory of their life.  It is only by chance coincidence, (or is it?) that their paths cross and they discover their connection.  Although, this method of super hero story telling is vastly different from more recent super hero lines, which have tended to started with a bang, it is actually quite fascinating how the story draws you in.  It is a lengthy beginning, and I will admit that I am a little anxious to get to the meat of the story and see what their powers can do, but I have actually loved their origin story and seeing a more in-depth look into their ordinary lives.

Despite the meandering of the series, there are a lot of breadcrumbs that have been dropped as far as the plot and storyline are concerned.  It has definitely led to some intriguing anticipation as we try to figure out where all of the pieces fit and what exactly Tandy and Tyrone’s powers mean, what wrongs they are supposed to right and what kind of heroes they will become.

So many different storylines and perspectives all weaved together at once, definitely give this super hero show a different angle and perspective.  It does remind me a little of what we have recently seen in The Gifted, in terms of multiple perspectives and backgrounds.  If you can stick with it in terms of the slower action, I do think the pay off will be worth it.  There is a building tension that is sure to explode eventually!

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Allison Costa

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