Castle So Far…by Allison Costa


Season 6 has been an exciting season for Castle, even though when Season 5 ended I was dubious as to the direction it was taking. It started off with Beckett and Castle attempting to do long distance, which of course we all knew would not last because let’s face it the series really doesn’t work unless they are in New York and Detectives Ryan and Esposito are in on the cases too.  Since then we have seen them face hostage situations, supposed time travelers, child super stars, death row inmates, look-alikes, a run in with Castle’s biological spy father and even an undercover assassin and ninjas!  Obviously the writers at Castle don’t want to lose out to other similar crime solving shows.

While not all of the plots have been incredibly feasible and there have been cheesy elements in some, the greatness of this show comes from the characters of Beckett ad Castle themselves.  I, for one, like having them as an engaged couple and seeing them progress in their partnership and be grown-ups.  I also think their opposition—her realistic, pragmatic nature and his ability to tell the story or see beyond the clues—is what really makes this show interesting.  Plus the writers always seem to leave some room open for doubt.  Even when Becket finds a logical answer to an odd case, they usually still end the show with a ‘what if” scenario, as in the case of the time traveler and the telekinetic teenager.

They also gave Alexis a little more depth this season, as she went from simply being the goodie-goodie perfect child, to having a boyfriend Castle did not approve of and even moving in with him.  Seeing their father-daughter relationship pushed in different directions was a little refreshing. The most interesting underlying plot twist always comes back to Beckett’s mother and her murder of course.  We have seen this theme reemerge throughout several seasons now and although we finally have a sense that a certain Senator is behind it, they have still left the door wide open for how that saga will end.

If you have missed any episodes, be sure to catch up online, and if you are at all sentimental like me make sure to be prepared for episode 611 “Under Fire”!  It was kind of a tear-jerker.  Happy crime solving!

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