New Update Celebrates 15 Years of Star Trek Online and Features Star Trek Celeb Jonathan Del Arco (as Hugh)
This new adventure features beloved Star Trek franchise star Jonathan Del Arco who returns to the Trek universe as Hugh, the renowned Cooperative Borg Faction Leader. Jonathan Del Arco is known for playing Hugh in the fifth and sixth season of Star Trek: The Next Generation, alongside reprising the role in the first season of Star Trek: Picard.
Star Trek Online: Unveiled will include the following new features:
- New Episode – Axiom
- Mount a search-and-rescue and uncover the truth of what went wrong aboard the Aetherian ship, the Harmony, and find your contact, Hugh, leader of the Cooperative Borg Faction!
- Season 33 Event – 15th Anniversary
- During this new event, players can celebrate 15 years of Star Trek Online through playing selected content to earn a variety of rewards including a Garret Command Alliance Dreadnought Cruiser [T6].
- New Lock Box: “Discovery: Partners In Crime”
- Includes a brand-new Grand Prize starship: Breen Keth Sarr Intel Courier [T6].
- Contains an entirely new selection of rewards, inspired by Season 5 of Star Trek: Discovery.
- Accompanied by new items for purchase on the Lobi Crystal Store.
Star Trek Online is a free-to-play massively multiplayer online game that allows players to explore the Star Trek universe from within. Players can forge their own destiny as Captain of a Federation starship, champion the Empire through the far reaches of the galaxy as a Klingon Warrior, rebuild the Romulan legacy as the commander of a Romulan Republic Warbird or carry out daring missions on behalf of the Dominion as a Jem’Hadar soldier. Captains can also explore iconic locations from the Star Trek universe, make contact with new alien species and battle alongside other players in customizable starships. Star Trek Online is currently available on PC and PlayStation and Xbox consoles.
To download and play Star Trek Online today for free, visit