How I Met Your Mother: what’s happened the last month by Allison Costa



With only two episodes left until the series finale of HIMYM, I don’t know if I should be planning a party or a memorial service L.  This is one of those shows that we all know has to end and although, we have been waiting for the conclusion forever, we will still be so depressed when it is finally over.  For anyone who is behind on episodes, stop reading now because there will be major spoilers in this blog post.  For anyone who has never seen this show, you should start now on Season 1, repent and watch all of the episodes.  Sure, not every episode is crazy fantastic, but pretty dang close.  The absurdity, hilarity and uniqueness of the characters combined with the commentary of the narrator and chemistry of this set of actors make for comedic genius which has made for an extremely successful and memorable series.  In recent weeks we have seen the hilarity of such episodes as “Rally” in which Barney (Neil Patrick Harris) is so hung-over for his wedding pictures that his friends all rally together and try to recall the ingredients to his miraculous hang over concoction, which he has used to help each of them in the past.  There was also the episode “Slapsgiving #3” in which Marshall re-tells/makes-up the story of the “slap of a million exploding suns” which in classic HIMYM style is both hilarious and ridiculous and marks the final slap he gives to Barney (refer to previous episodes to understand the significance of the slaps).

However, there were also episodes like “Unpause” and “Sunrise” which although have comedic elements of course, also touch on more serious topics such as marriage conflicts and letting go of your first real love.  In the episode “How your mother met me”, there is the shock and surprise that Ted’s future wife was once happily in love and engaged and her fiancée was tragically killed.  It is tragic and heart-tugging at an unexpected time in the series, which HIMYM has done before, such as in the episode when Marshall’s father unexpectedly passes away.

Although the majority of the series has been full of hysterical and classic moments and characters, the writers and producers of this show have still been able to give its characters depth and heart in order to make them appear more real to the audience, thus attributing to the overall success and following of the show.  In the next two weeks we will all hold our breath as the series winds down and see if the finale satisfies all of the questions and hopes that we have had for the series.   When it was first announced that the last season would solely be comprised of Barney and Robyn’s wedding weekend, I for one was skeptical that they could pull it off.  However, they have done so with style and grace and an amazing take on such momentous occasions; Barney & Robyn’s wedding, the moment when Ted finally meets his future wife, and the final farewell of a group of friends that we have all come to know and love.  Stay tuned for the finale post!


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